Démarrée il y a 7 an. 8 mo..
A duré 1 ms

Not built Construction #6 (15 oct. 2016 17:45:01)

Artefacts du build
gs-defaults-4.0-SNAPSHOT.pom668 B view
  1. gs-defaults: Delete method getFirstObservableValue (commit: 309c8d1) (detail)
  2. merge (commit: f6ad90b) (detail)
  3. gs-todomvc: Use GSTag and GenericModel (WIP) (commit: d0fa8dd) (detail)
  4. merge (commit: 9a5af34) (detail)
  5. TodoApp works now, but why ? (commit: cecfacc) (detail)
  6. restore Bindings.valueAt() (commit: 16c127d) (detail)
  7. Make bindings transmit successive invalidation events (commit: 635bbfd) (detail)
  8. merge (commit: 2bf68ef) (detail)
  9. Refactoring Remove GSTag Remove GSModel Rename Model to Context (commit: 7d2d79f) (detail)
  10. Refactoring, prepare tag children observation (commit: d3eb50f) (detail)
  11. gsReactor : show cache contains and remove on save. ExtendedMonitor (commit: 7bce3c5) (detail)
  12. gs-reactor Cache display improvement (commit: 9ab93c2) (detail)
  13. gs-todomvc : CheckBox BidirectionalBinding fix (commit: 5728ebb) (detail)
  14. Merge (commit: 267d282) (detail)
  15. TodoAapp : BidirectionnalBinding fix (commit: c57a039) (detail)
Changements dans les dépendances
  1. Generic System  ? → (détails)